Implementing Handheld Order Systems: Best Practices

Imagine a world where servers can take your order right at your table, eliminating the need for multiple trips back and forth. With handheld ordering systems, this dream becomes a reality. These devices, also known as handheld POS systems, allow staff to seamlessly input orders into the system, ensuring accuracy and reducing errors.

Implementing Handheld Order Systems

But it doesn’t stop there! Handheld order systems have become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to streamline their operations. By implementing these cutting-edge devices, restaurants can improve customer satisfaction, increase table turnover rates, and boost overall efficiency.

Benefits of Implementing Handheld Order Systems

Increased efficiency in order taking and processing

Implementing handheld order systems can significantly increase the efficiency of order taking and processing. With traditional pen-and-paper methods, servers need to write down orders and then manually input them into a computer system. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors. However, with handheld devices, servers can directly input orders into the system, eliminating the need for double entry and reducing the risk of mistakes.

Handheld order systems also allow for faster communication between servers and kitchen staff. Once an order is entered into the device, it is instantly transmitted to the kitchen, enabling chefs to start preparing the food right away. This streamlined communication ensures that orders are processed quickly and reduces waiting times for customers.

Improved accuracy in order entry, reducing errors and minimizing customer dissatisfaction

One of the main advantages of implementing handheld order systems in a restaurant is the improved accuracy in order entry by waitstaff. When waitstaff manually write down orders, there is always a chance for miscommunication or illegible handwriting. These errors can lead to incorrect dishes being prepared or missed items on customer orders. By using handheld terminals, these issues can be minimized.

By using handheld devices with touchscreen interfaces, restaurant waitstaff can easily select menu items from a digital list, eliminating any confusion or misunderstandings. The ordering systems prompts them to enter all necessary details accurately, such as special requests or modifications. As a result, there are fewer mistakes in order preparation and delivery.

Reducing errors not only improves customer satisfaction but also saves time for both customers and staff members. Correctly prepared orders ensure that customers receive exactly what they requested without any delays or inconvenience caused by mistakes.

Enhanced guest experience through faster service and personalized interactions

Implementing handheld order systems in a restaurant enhances the overall guest experience by providing faster service and personalized interactions for the waitstaff. With traditional ordering methods, waitstaff often have to make multiple trips back and forth between tables and POS terminals to place orders or request additional items. This can be time-consuming for both the waitstaff and the customer. By using handhelds, the waitstaff can streamline the ordering process and provide spot-on service.

However, handhelds devices enable waitstaff at a restaurant to take orders directly at the table using a portable POS system, eliminating the need for unnecessary trips. This reduces waiting times and allows customers to receive their food and drinks more quickly. The convenience of on-the-spot ordering also enables servers to provide personalized recommendations based on individual preferences, making the dining experience more tailored and enjoyable for guests.

Furthermore, handheld POS order systems can integrate with restaurant CRM software, allowing waitstaff to access customer profiles and preferences instantly. This information empowers waitstaff to provide a more personalized service by addressing restaurant customers by name or suggesting items they have previously enjoyed.

Best Practices for Effective Implementation

Conduct Thorough Research to Select the Right Handheld Order System for Your Business Needs

Before implementing a handheld order system, it is crucial to conduct thorough research to ensure that you select the right system for your business needs. Consider the following ways to make an informed decision:

  1. Identify your specific requirements: Determine what features and functionalities are essential for your business. For example, if you run a restaurant, you may need a handheld order system that integrates seamlessly with your POS system and allows for easy menu customization.
  2. Read customer reviews and testimonials: Gain insights from other businesses that have implemented handheld order systems. Look for reviews on reputable websites or forums where users share their experiences. This will help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of different systems.
  3. Request demos or trials: Take advantage of free demos or trials offered by handheld order system providers. This will allow you to test the user interface, explore available features, and assess if the system aligns with your business processes.
  4. Consider scalability: Ensure that the selected system can accommodate future growth and expansion plans. It should be capable of handling increased order volumes without compromising performance.

Train Staff Effectively on How to Use the Handheld Devices and Integrate Them into Existing Workflows Seamlessly

Implementing a new technology requires effective training to ensure smooth integration into existing workflows. Here are some tips on how to train staff effectively:

  1. Provide comprehensive training sessions: Offer hands-on training sessions covering all aspects of using the handheld devices and associated software applications. Make sure employees understand how this technology fits into their daily tasks.
  2. Create user-friendly manuals or guides: Develop easy-to-understand manuals or guides that outline step-by-step instructions on using the handheld devices and integrating them into existing workflows.
  3. Offer ongoing support: Establish a support system where employees can seek assistance when encountering issues or difficulties. This could include a dedicated help desk, online resources, or regular training refreshers.
  4. Encourage feedback and collaboration: Create an environment where employees feel comfortable providing feedback on the handheld order system. Their insights can help identify areas for improvement and ensure continuous optimization.

Regularly Update and Maintain the Software and Hardware Components of the System to Ensure Optimal Performance

To maximize the effectiveness of your handheld order system, it is essential to regularly update and maintain both its software and hardware components. Consider these key practices:

  1. Stay up-to-date with software updates: Keep track of software updates released by the system provider. These updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and new features that enhance performance.
  2. Perform routine maintenance checks: Conduct regular maintenance checks on the hardware components of the handheld devices to ensure they are functioning optimally. This may involve cleaning screens, checking battery health, and inspecting physical connections.
  3. Back up data regularly: Implement a backup strategy to safeguard important data stored within the handheld order system. Regularly back up data to prevent any loss in case of device failure or other unforeseen circumstances.
  4. Monitor system performance: Use monitoring tools or analytics provided by your handheld order system to track performance metrics such as response time, processing speed, and error rates. Address any issues promptly to maintain optimal performance levels.

Enhancing Efficiency and Guest Experience

In today’s fast-paced hospitality industry, implementing handheld order systems has become a game-changer for restaurants. By streamlining the ordering process and instantly transmitting orders to kitchen or bar staff, these systems enhance efficiency and greatly improve the guest experience.

One of the key benefits of implementing handheld order systems is the streamlined ordering process they offer. With just a few taps on a tablet or smartphone, waitstaff can take orders directly from guests at their tables, eliminating the need for paper tickets or relaying information verbally. This not only saves time but also reduces the chances of errors in communication between servers and kitchen staff.

By reducing wait times for customers, handheld order systems significantly increase satisfaction levels. In traditional staurant setups, customers often experience delays due to busy waitstaff or long queues at cash registers. With handheld devices, orders are sent directly to the kitchen or bar staff without any delay. This means that guests receive their food and drinks faster, resulting in happier customers who are more likely to return.

Another advantage of these systems is their ability to handle larger volumes of orders during peak hours without compromising quality or speed. In busy restaurants, it can be challenging for waitstaff to keep up with high demand while maintaining excellent customer service. Handheld order systems empower servers by providing them with all the necessary tools at their fingertips. They can quickly input orders, make modifications on-the-go, and send them directly to the kitchen or bar staff. This ensures efficient operations even during hectic periods.

Restaurants that implement handheld order systems also benefit from increased revenue generation opportunities. By reducing wait times and improving overall customer experience, establishments have a higher chance of attracting new patrons and retaining existing ones. Satisfied guests are more likely to spend more money on additional food items, beverages, or desserts. Moreover, efficient service allows restaurants to serve more customers within a given timeframe, ultimately leading to increased revenue.

These systems improve engagement between waitstaff and guests. With handheld devices, servers can focus on interacting with customers instead of spending excessive time taking orders or handling payments. This personal touch enhances the overall dining experience, making guests feel valued and appreciated.

Reducing Errors and Improving Accuracy

Implementing handheld order systems can greatly contribute to reducing errors and improving accuracy in the ordering process. By eliminating manual order entry, these systems minimize human errors such as miscommunication or transcription mistakes that commonly occur when taking orders verbally or writing them down on paper.

One of the key benefits of handheld order systems is their ability to accurately record customer preferences, dietary restrictions, or special requests. With traditional methods, it’s easy for servers to miss important details or misunderstand specific instructions. However, by using handheld devices to input this information directly into the system, there is less room for error. This ensures that all relevant data is captured correctly and communicated clearly to the kitchen staff.

Real-time inventory tracking is another crucial feature provided by handheld order systems. This helps reduce instances of out-of-stock items or incorrect pricing. As orders are placed through the device, it immediately updates the inventory database, allowing both servers and customers to know which items are available at any given moment. This real-time information prevents disappointments when a desired dish is no longer available and avoids potential conflicts arising from incorrect pricing being charged.

By streamlining the ordering process through handheld devices, several steps in the traditional workflow are consolidated into one efficient system. Spot-on accuracy becomes achievable with built-in checks that counter-check each item before it turns into a ticket sent directly to the kitchen. The elimination of manual steps also reduces the chances of mistakes occurring during data entry or order processing.

The implementation of handheld order systems transforms the way restaurants handle orders from start to finish. Instead of relying on multiple individuals involved in different stages of the process, everything happens seamlessly in one place – right at the server’s fingertips.

Innovative Loyalty Programs for Handheld Order Systems

Integration with loyalty programs is a game-changer for restaurants utilizing handheld order systems. These programs allow for seamless accumulation and redemption of rewards points, enhancing the overall dining experience for customers. Let’s delve into how these innovative loyalty programs work and the benefits they bring to both customers and businesses.

One of the key advantages of integrating loyalty programs with handheld order systems is the ability to offer personalized promotions based on customer preferences captured through these devices. By analyzing their ordering history, favorite dishes, or dietary restrictions, restaurants can tailor exclusive offers that resonate with individual tastes. This level of personalization not only boosts customer satisfaction but also fosters a sense of loyalty towards the establishment.

Furthermore, these loyalty programs enable instant notifications about exclusive offers or discounts available only through the program. Customers who have opted in receive real-time updates on their handheld devices, ensuring they never miss out on exciting deals or limited-time promotions. This immediate access to enticing offers creates a sense of urgency and encourages frequent visits to take advantage of these exclusive benefits.

In addition to providing personalized promotions and timely notifications, integrating handheld order systems with loyalty programs also streamlines the payment process. With an EPOS system that supports loyalty integration, customers can conveniently pay using their accumulated rewards points directly from their handheld device. This seamless transaction experience eliminates the need for physical cards or additional steps during checkout, making it effortless for customers to redeem their well-deserved rewards.

Moreover, by implementing handheld order systems linked to loyalty programs, restaurants can gather valuable data regarding customer behavior and preferences. Analyzing this data allows establishments to gain insights into popular menu items, peak dining hours, or even specific table preferences. Armed with this information, businesses can make informed decisions regarding inventory management, staff allocation during busy periods, and targeted marketing campaigns.

Another crucial aspect when considering handheld order systems is battery life. Fortunately, modern devices are equipped with long-lasting batteries that can withstand the demands of a busy restaurant environment. The last thing anyone wants is for a device to die mid-order or payment, causing frustration for both customers and staff. Handheld devices with extended battery life ensure smooth operations throughout the dining experience.

Choosing the Right Technology Partner

Implementing handheld order systems requires careful consideration and selection of a technology partner who can provide the necessary support and expertise. When choosing a technology partner for this crucial task, there are several meticulous evaluation criteria to keep in mind.

One of the top priorities is ensuring that the potential partner offers comprehensive support services. This includes training, maintenance, troubleshooting, and ongoing assistance to ensure smooth operations. Without proper guidance and support, implementing handheld order systems can become a daunting task for businesses. Therefore, it is essential to choose a technology partner who understands the importance of providing these services.

Compatibility with existing point-of-sale (POS) systems is another critical factor to consider when selecting a technology partner. Seamless integration between handheld order systems and POS systems ensures efficient communication and data synchronization. It eliminates the need for manual data entry or complex workarounds, saving time and reducing errors. Prioritizing compatibility will streamline operations and enhance overall productivity.

In addition to these key points, there are other aspects worth considering when evaluating potential technology partners:

  1. Expertise: Look for partners with extensive experience in implementing handheld order systems specifically tailored to your industry or business type.
  2. Scalability: Ensure that the chosen solution can accommodate your business’s growth and future needs without requiring significant changes or investments.
  3. Reliability: Trustworthy partners offer reliable equipment that minimizes downtime and provides uninterrupted service during peak hours.
  4. Customizability: A flexible solution allows businesses to adapt the handheld order system according to their unique requirements, workflows, and branding guidelines.
  5. Security: Data security is paramount when handling customer information and transactions. Choose a partner who prioritizes robust security measures to protect sensitive data from breaches or unauthorized access.
  6. Cost-effectiveness: While budget considerations are important, focus on finding a solution that provides long-term value rather than solely relying on upfront costs.

By carefully assessing these factors during your search for a technology partner, you can ensure a successful implementation of handheld order systems. Remember to engage in thorough discussions and consultations with potential partners to gain a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities and offerings.


Unlock success with handheld order systems by reaping the benefits they offer, implementing best practices, enncing efficiency and guest experience, reducing errors and improving accuracy, exploring innovative loyalty programs, and choosing the right technology partner.

Implementing handheld order systems brings numerous advantages to your business. With these systems in place, you can streamline operations, increase productivity, and reduce wait times for customers. By eliminating the need for paper-based order taking, you also contribute to a more sustainable environment.

To ensure effective implementation of handheld order systems, it is crucial to follow best practices. Train your staff thoroughly on how to use the devices and integrate them seamlessly into your existing processes. Regularly update software and provide ongoing technical support to keep everything running smoothly.

By adopting handheld order systems, you can enhance both efficiency and guest experience. Your staff will be able to take orders faster and accurately transmit them directly to the kitchen or bar. This eliminates potential errors that may occur during manual data entry or miscommunication between staff members.

The reduction of errors not only improves accuracy but also saves time for both customers and employees. With fewer mistakes in orders or billing, customer satisfaction increases significantly. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your establishment to others.

Innovative loyalty programs tailored specifically for handheld order systems can further boost customer engagement and retention. Offer personalized rewards based on purchase history or frequency of visits. These programs create a sense of exclusivity while encouraging repeat business.

Choosing the right technology partner is essential when implementing handheld order systems. Look for a reputable provider with a proven track record in the industry. Ensure their devices are reliable, user-friendly, and compatible with your existing infrastructure.

In conclusion, embracing handheld order systems unlocks a world of benefits for your business – from increased efficiency to improved guest experience and reduced errors. Take advantage of this technology today to stay ahead of the competition in an ever-evolving market.


Can handheld order systems be integrated with existing POS systems?

Yes, handheld order systems can typically be integrated with existing POS systems. It is important to choose a technology partner that offers seamless integration options.

Are handheld order systems suitable for all types of businesses?

Handheld order systems are versatile and can be implemented in various industries, including restaurants, bars, cafes, and even retail establishments.

How do handheld order systems improve efficiency?

Handheld order systems enable staff to take orders directly from customers’ tables or anywhere on the premises. This eliminates the need for manual note-taking and speeds up the ordering process.

Can handheld order systems help reduce errors in orders?

Absolutely! With handheld order systems, orders are transmitted directly to the kitchen or bar without any intermediaries. This reduces the chances of miscommunication or mistakes during data entry.

Are there any case studies showcasing the benefits of implementing handheld order systems?

Yes, there are numerous case studies available that highlight how businesses have benefited from implementing handheld order systems. These case studies often demonstrate increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and higher revenue.

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